The Future of
Our Soil & Water Depends on You!

Promote, Educate & Advance
The Science of Conservation

More About SWCS SNEC
The Southern New England Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SNEC-SWCS) is a 501 (c) (3) organization whose purpose is to promote, educate and advance all phases of the science of conservation of soil, water, and all related resources.
The SNEC-SWCS (Chapter) became a Charter Chapter on December 8, 1946, by a vote of the Soil Conservation Society of America (now SWCS) at their Council Meeting in Chicago, IL. A Petition signed by 20 petitioners to become a Chapter was dated December 7, 1946.
Our chapter incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on July 27, 1981, received IRS Tax-Exempt Status later in 1981. The chapter covers the geographic area of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
A Board of Directors elected by the membership governs the chapter. In addition, there is an Executive Director and UConn and UMass Student Chapter Advisors.