2024 Erosion & Sediment Control Fall Field Days
Name | Job Title | Company | |
Sarah Coccaro | Assistant Director | Town of Greenwich | sarah.coccaro@greenwichct.gov |
Jack DeJordy | Environmental Technician | SRICD | jdejordy@sricd.org |
Beth Evans | Director, Environmental Affairs | Town of Greenwich | Elizabeth.Evans@greenwichct.org |
River Fenton | Project Engineer | Ransom Consulting | river.fenton@pinchin.com |
Gina Fuller | District Manager | SRICD | gfuller@sricd.org |
Michael Giguere, Jr. | Environmental Technician | SRICD | mgiguere@sricd.org |
Devan Healy | Environmental Analyst | Town of Greenwich | devan.healy@greenwichct.gov |
Benjamin Hooks | Project Scientist I | Ransom Consulting | ben.hooks@pinchin.com |
Frankie Lofaro | Environmental Affairs Support Specialist | Town of Greenwich | Frank.Lofaro@greenwichct.gov |
Brendan Peck | Soil Conservationist | USDA NRCS | brendan.peck@usda.gov |
Rebecca Poirier | Environmental Analyst | Town of Greenwich | Rebecca.Poirier@greenwichct.org |
Meghan Seeley | Outreach Coordinator / Environmental Technician | SRICD | mseeley@sricd.org |
Samuel Suorsa | Surveyor | Coventry Survey | info@coventrysurvey.com |
Name | Job Title | Company | |
Molly Ahern | Soil Scientist | CLA Engineers | mkahern@claengineers.com |
Julie Bjorkman | Environmental Consultant | JKB Consulting, LLC | julie_bjorkman@yahoo.com |
Autum Burke | Environmental Planner | Town of South Windsor | autum.burke@southwindsor-ct.gov |
Robin Casioppo | GZA Inc. | robin.casioppo@gza.com | |
Christopher Dodge | USDA NRCS | chris.dodge@usda.gov | |
Kyle Dolce | Conservation Nutrient Management | USDA NRCS | kyle.dolce@usda.gov |
Shelby Doolittle | USDA NRCS | shelby.gaiss@usda.gov | |
Kaitlyn Eannotti | Civil Engineer | VHB | keannotti@vhb.com |
Jim Gavin | USDA NRCS | jim.gavin@usda.gov | |
Wilca Decimus | Student | U. Mass Amherst | |
Trey Ingram | USDA NRCS | trey.ingram@usda.gov | |
Colin Kelly | Conservation Director | Town of Westport | ckelly@westportct.gov |
Kristen Lodato | Asst. Wetlands Compliance Officer | Town of Greenwich | Kristen.Lodato@greenwichct.gov |
Patrick Lord | Ecologist / Environmental Specialist | GZA, Inc. | patricklord65@gmail.com |
Jonathan Ludovico | USDA NRCS | jonathan.ludovico@usda.gov | |
James Lyons | USDA NRCS | james.lyons@usda.gov | |
Alexandra MacLaren | USDA NRCS | alexandra.maclaren@usda.gov | |
Kate Preston | Natural Resource Specialist | Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District | kpreston@conservect.org |
Cynthia Rabinowitz | Soil and Wetland Scientist | Northwest Conservation District | cynthiar@nwcd.org |
Carlie Ritchie | Conservation Nutrient Management Planner | USDA NRCS | carlie.ritchie@usda.gov |
Marabelle Tucci | BSC Group | mtucci@bscgroup.com | |
Jenn Urena | Wetlands Compliance Officer | Town of Greenwich | Jennifer.Urena@greenwichct.org |
Paul Vitaliano | Director of Land Development | VHB | motero@vhb.com |
Alexander Wojtkowiak | Wetland Scientist | Stantec | alexander.wojtkowiak@stantec.com |
Megan Woytik | USDA NRCS | megan.woytik@usda.gov |
Fourteen additional attendees preferred not to share their names and contact info. Eleven work in conservation organizations or local government, and three work in the private sector.
Name | Job Title | Company | |
Brian Allen | Natural Resource Specialist | USDA NRCS | brian.allen@usda.gov |
Olivia Barksdale | Conservation Agent | Town of Acton | obarksdale@actonma.gov |
Mike Barry | Forester | USDA NRCS | michael.barry2@usda.gov |
Eleah Caseau | Conservation Agent | Town of Shrewsbury | ecaseau@shrewsburyma.gov |
Sam Corbin | Conservation Assistant | Town of Westborough | scorbin@westboroughma.gov |
Erasme Da Cruz | BSC Group | edacruz@bscgroup.com | |
Melissa Danza | Conservation Agent | Town of Southborough | mdanza@southboroughma.com |
Mike Downey | Service Forester | MA Bureau of Forestry | forwild20@hotmail.com |
Isabella Genova | Conservation Agent | Town of Mendon | igenova@mendonma.gov |
James Joyce II | Conservation Commissioner | Woburn Conservation Commission | jfjoyce2@comcast.net |
Thomas Liddy | Lucas Environmental, LLC | tel@lucasenviro.com | |
Dylan Lindholm | Assistant Planner | Towns of Mendon, Uxbridge, Millville | dlindholm@mendonma.gov |
Clay Lovelace | Compliance Monitor | BSC Group | clovelace@bscgroup.com |
Kinsale McGrath | Environmental Scientist | Tetra Tech | kinsale.mcgrath@tetratech.com |
Jennifer Miller | Conservation Director | Town of Westborough | jmiller@westboroughma.gov |
Thomas O’Connor | Natural Resource Specialist | USDA NRCS | thomas.o’connor@usda.gov |
Jack O’Leary | Vice President of Operations | Green Seal Environmental, LLC | jdolearyjr@gmail.co |
Mike Patnaude | Natural Resource Specialist | USDA NRCS | michael.patnaude@usda.gov |
Joe Rogers | Senior Project Manager | GZA, Inc. | joseph.rogers@gza.com |
Kyle Rutkowski | Highway Leadsperson | Town of Westborough | krutkowski@westboroughma.gov |
Jan Elyse Taylor | Asst. Conservation Agent | Town of Grafton | taylorj@grafton-ma.gov |
Vincent Thai | Stormwater Coordinator | Town of Shrewsbury | vthai@shrewsburyma.gov |
Lauren Vivier | Conservation Agent | Town of Sturbridge | lvivier@sturbridge.gov |
Alex Wu | Soil Conservationist | USDA NRCS | alexander.wu@usda.gov |
Megan Woytik | USDA NRCS | megan.woytik@usda.gov |
Ten additional attendees preferred not to share their names and contact info. Five work in conservation organizations or local government, and five work in the private sector.
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