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2023 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days

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Thank you, 2023 Field Day speakers and product representatives for helping SNEC deliver another pair of successful workshops!!

SNEC 2022 Winter Conference

Sediment is the world’s #1 pollutant.

Soil moved by erosion can be harmful to our drinking water resources, fish and wildlife, and it can impact our quality of life.   Erosion Control has changed dramatically over the years and new technologies are constantly in development.  Use this workshop to help you stay current on useful practices and make valuable connections.

A little bit of dirt never hurt anybody…” but a little bit from one jobsite multiplied by the hundreds of jobsites in a watershed can add up quickly.  Soil erosion has the potential to affect how much treatment wastewater must receive. We all need to know our options for both controlling sediment and for designing and installing more effective long-term erosion control solutions.

These field days are a unique collaborative effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to all who are entrusted with protecting our precious soil and water resources.  



Tuesday September 19:  
Westerly Education Center​ (23 Friendship St​) and Cimalore Field​ (99 Wilson St​), WESTERLY, RI 02891
Thursday September 28: 
Tolland County Agricultural Center | 24 Hyde Avenue (Route 30), VERNON, CT 06066


Fun in the Sun!  Earn Credits!  Make Connections!

SNEC Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days combine presentations and hands-on demonstrations. These days are training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, resource protection, and consulting. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend – you are encouraged to bring your site plans and questions!

Boxed lunch will be provided for the Field Days.

Field Days are hosted by SWCS SNEC, in partnership with EJ Prescott.

Certificate of Attendance will be provided to document six (6) hours of educational contact.  

Credit for 6 Professional Development Hours pre-approved by by EnviroCert International.  

Bring Your Site Plans and Specific Questions!

(photos from Nov 2022 at TAC, courtesy of John Dudula)

Each of these full-day training sessions will combine classroom presentations in the morning and hands-on field demonstrations in the afternoon. Small groups rotate through the field stations to receive detailed information from the manufacturers and vendors of E&SC products. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend.


Tuesday September 19: WESTERLY, RI 02891

SWCS Conservation Community member Southern Rhode Island Conservation District (SRICD) is working hand-in-hand with the Town of Westerly and others on the Resilient Riverfront Renewal Main Street, Westerly project.  The Stormwater Masterplan will integrate a variety of green infrastructure (GI) features along the streets and on both Town and private properties that will reduce flooding, filter pollutants from stormwater, provide pollinator and bird habitat, improve air quality, and add beauty and walkability to the economic center of Westerly. 

SRICD and Cherenzia & Associates (engineer of the GI system at the Westerly Education Center) will offer design and history overview with a mock inspection tour of the green infrastructure BMP’s surrounding the Westerly Education Center.   

Click for Agenda – September 19 – Westerly

AGENDA | 19 September 2023 

The morning session will be held at Westerly Education Center.

8:00 a.m.  –  Registration, Check-In and Coffee 

8:30 a.m. –  Welcome & Opening Remarks | Andrew Gorman (SWCS Southern New England Chapter RI Representative / Beals & Thomas)

8:45 a.m. –  Coastal Protection Approaches:  Traditional Hard Structures and Nature Based Approaches | Jennifer O’Donnell (Fuss & O’Neill)

9:30 a.m. –  Introduction to Rhode Island Soils.  Influences on Soil Permeability and Hydrologic Soil Groups | Jeffrey Peterson (VHB)

10:15 a.m. –  Break and Networking

10:30 a.m. –  Stormwater Green Infrastructure Design at the Westerly Education Center with Mock Inspection Tour | Renee Stoops (Southern RI Conservation District) and Sergio Cherenzia (Cherenzia & Associates)

12:00 p.m. –  Boxed Lunch and Travel to Cimalore Sports Complex

12:45 p.m. –  Rotation through Field Stations  (scroll down for information)

3:45 p.m. –  Closing Remarks   

Thursday September 28: VERNON, CT 06066

Click for >> September 28th AGENDA <<


8:00 a.m.  –  Check-in and Coffee

8:30 a.m.  –  Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:45 a.m.  –  Summary of Revised Stormwater Quality Manual and Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines | Kathleen Knight (CT Dept of Energy & Environmental Protection and Chris Sullivan (Southwest Conservation District)

9:45 a.m.  –  Break and Networking

10:00 a.m.  –  Construction Compliance Inspections 101 | Landon Baker and Alison Milliman (BSC Group)

11:15 a.m.  –  Break and Networking

11:30 a.m.  –  Breakout Group Discussion on BMPs | Landon Baker, Alison Milliman and Chris Sullivan)

12:00 a.m.  –  Lunch 

12:45 p.m.  –  Rotation through Field Stations (scroll down for information)

3:45 p.m.  –  Closing Remarks


SWCS Southern New England Chapter’s outgoing Rhode Island representative Jeffrey Peterson (CPSS, PWS, CPESC) has provided these useful links:

Blue Light Special!

JOIN the Soil & Water Conservation Society NOW
at the $115 Conservationist level and BENEFIT IMMEDIATELY
by registering at the $40 MEMBER RATE!   

Simply select the Blue Light Special ticket – we’ll handle the paperwork.

This offer is for 1st-time SWCS members only.

SWCS Southern New England Chapter is dedicated to supporting upcoming conservationists. Thanks to the support of our 2023 Sponsors, we’re pleased to offer FREE attendance to student members in good standing, and a discounted rate for other full-time students currently enrolled full-time at an accredited high school, college, or university.

2o23 Registration Rates

  • SWCS Member: $40
  • General Admission: $75
  • SWCS Student Chapter Member: FREE *
  • Student General Admission: $20
  • Blue Light Special:  $155 (includes membership and registration)

Students must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited high school, college, or university.

*Registration is required.


  • Pre-Registration Required – online by credit card only.
  • This is a RAIN or SHINE event.
  • No refunds. Registration may be transferred at no cost between attendees in the same ticket category and (if capacity allows) from one session to another.
  • Morning coffee and a box lunch will be provided.

Field Stations

September 19th in Westerly, RI:

  • BioPod™ – Brent Helm, Oldcastle Infrastructure

Sustainable Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management from Oldcastle Infrastructure.  BioPod™ systems utilize an advanced biofiltration design for filtration, sorption and biological uptake to remove Total Suspended Solids, dissolved metals, nutrients, gross solids, trash and debris as well as petroleum hydrocarbons from stormwater runoff.

Created specifically for erosion control, containment and shelter applications, Concrete Canvas® is a flexible, concrete filled geosynthetic which provides a thin and durable concrete layer when hydrated. Typically, 10-times faster to install than conventional concrete solutions; essentially, it’s Concrete on a Roll™.  Melanie will show the different Concrete Canvas® applications in drainage channels and culvert repair.

  • Flex MSE – Doug McCluskey, E. J. Prescott 

Flex MSE is a unique, sustainable vegetated wall system that is made up of bags that can be stacked to build the wall in different configurations depending on the height.  Doug will recruit volunteers to help stack the bags to demonstrate different installation styles and reinforcement mechanism options.

  • Permeable Pavements – Mike Everhart, E. J. Prescott 

Mike will be showing plastic permeable pavement applications for both aggregate filled and turf reinforcement as well as Belgard® permeable paver applications 

  • Profile® Mulches and Biotic Soil Media – Dylan Drudul, Profile Products  

Profile’s history of technical advancement, product innovation and real-world experience provides the foundation for best-in-class products – a full line of solutions is designed and engineered to deliver value you can depend on.  Dylan will discuss the high-end erosion control mulches and biotic soil media that Profile manufactures to tackle soil erosion. 

September 28th Field Stations

organized by product distributor Everett J. Prescott, Inc. 

The world’s most popular modular trench drain system.  ACO Drain consists of cast polymer concrete bodies with either galvanized steel, stainless steel or cast iron wearing edges.  ACO Drain is available in 2″, 4”, 8” and 12” internal widths, and are available with up to 130 ft (40m) of built-in continuous slope. Our drainage systems offer light to heavy duty solutions for traffic ranging from pedestrians to jumbo jets.  There are a variety of grates manufactured from different materials, hole patterns and load ratings. 

  • Ditch Stabilization products including Concrete Canvas® – Rocco Micelotta, EJP

Created specifically for erosion control, containment and shelter applications, Concrete Canvas® is a flexible, concrete filled geosynthetic which provides a thin and durable concrete layer when hydrated. Typically, 10-times faster to install than conventional concrete solutions; essentially, it’s Concrete on a Roll™.  Information will be provided for Concrete Canvas® applications for drainage channels and culvert repair.

  • Flex MSE – Doug McCluskey, E. J. Prescott 

Flex MSE is a unique, sustainable vegetated wall system that is made up of bags that can be stacked to build the wall in different configurations depending on the height.  Doug will recruit volunteers to help stack the bags to demonstrate different installation styles and reinforcement mechanism options.

  • Permeable Pavements – Mike Everhart, E. J. Prescott 

Mike will be showing plastic permeable pavement applications for both aggregate filled and turf reinforcement as well as Belgard® permeable paver applications 

  • GeoWeb® Applications – Zach Lacasse, EJP

The GeoWeb® system uses proven confinement technology developed by Presto Geosystems over 35 years ago to offer economical, effective geosynthetic design options to solve soil stabilization problems wherever land and water meet.  The GeoWeb® system ‘transforms’ infill through confinement—providing strength and stabilization to cohesionless soils for a host of applications—from roadways to steep embankments.

QUESTIONS about Field Stations?  Contact Doug McCluskey at


‘Team EJP’ is also participating in field days
hosted by conservation districts in 


  • Wed Sept 20:  Sanborn Mills Farm, Loudon
    Hosted by:  Hillsborough and Merrimack County Conservation Districts | Contact:  Merrimack CCD, 603-223-6020 or
  • Thu Sept 21:  North Country Resource Center, Lancaster
    Hosted  by:  Coös and Grafton County Conservation Districts | Contact: Coös CCD, (603)788-4651, Ext 5 or

Conservation NewsBriefs

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2022 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days

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SNEC 2022 Winter Conference

The Southern New England Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society will host three days of our 2022 Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days:

Tuesday October 18, 2022 in Grafton, MA

(8am – 4pm)

Brigham Hill Community Farm| 128 Brigham Hill Rd, North Grafton, Massachusetts 01536

Wednesday, November 16 in Oakdale, CT (8am – 4pm)

Montville Community Center | 836 Old Colchester Rd, Oakdale, CT 06370
Phone: (860) 848-67804

Thursday, November 17 in Vernon, CT (8am – 4pm)
Tolland County Agricultural Center | 24 Hyde Avenue (Route 30), Vernon, CT 06066
Phone: (860) 875-5714

Register Now!

SNEC Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days combine presentations and hands-on demonstrations. These days are training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, resource protection, and consulting. For registered attendees who attend full day, 6 hours of continuing education credits are available.

These events are a unique, collaborative effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to all who are entrusted with protecting our precious soil and water resources. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend – you are encouraged to bring your site plans and questions!

Boxed lunch will be provided for the Field Days. Certificate of Attendance will be provided to document six (6) hours of educational contact.

Field Days are hosted by SWCS SNEC, in partnership with EJ Prescott.


2022 Registration Rates

  • SWCS Member: $40
  • General Admission: $75
  • SWCS Student Chapter Member: FREE *
  • Student General Admission: $20

Students must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited high school, college, or university.

*Registration is required.

Registration and Tickets

Program Information:

The same full-day training is offered at two locations. The program combines classroom presentations and hands-on field demonstrations, with small groups rotating through a series of stations. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend. Demonstrations of the latest tools available regarding erosion and sediment control. 

Download Program Brochure


Tuesday, October 18th

Maggie Payne –  Conservation Planner, Worcester County Conservation District, Soils and Soil Surveys

Sadie Constantine – Conservation Planner, Worcester County Conservation District, Conservation Planning Service

Brooke Washington –  Climate Forestry Consultant, New England Forestry Foundation,Effects of Sedimentation and Forestry BMPs

Mia McDonaldCircuit Rider, MassDEP Wetlands Program, Low Impact Development Techniques

Doug McCluskey – Western Erosion Control & Stormwater Specialist, EJ Prescott, Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure

Wednesday, November 16th  

Montville Community Center | 836 Old Colchester Rd, Oakdale, CT 06370. Phone: (860) 848-67804

Chris Stone – Professional Engineer, Connecticut DEEP, Solar Field Erosion Impacts

Jean Pillo– Watershed Conservation Project Manager, Why We Need Stormwater Protection Plans

Eric Dunnack – Forester, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Connecticut Forest Practices Act and BMPs

Doug McCluskey – Western Erosion Control & Geoproduct Specialist, EJ Prescott


Thursday, November 17th

Tolland County Agricultural Center | 24 Hyde Avenue (Route 30), Vernon, CT 06066. Phone: (860) 875-5714

Chris Stone – Professional Engineer, Connecticut DEEP, Solar Field Erosion Impacts

Jean Pillo – Watershed Conservation Project Manager, Eastern  Connecticut Conservation District Why We Need Stormwater Protection Plans, CPESC 

Nick Zito – Forest Practices Act Forester, Connecticut DEEP, Connecticut Forest Practices Act and BMPs 

Doug McCluskey, Western Erosion Control & Geoproduct Specialist, Everett J Prescott. 

Demonstrators & Products:

ACO: Stormbrixx GeoCellular Modular Stormwater Detention – Peter Shaw
Profile Products:  Proganics Biotic Soil Media -Ashley Chong
Oldcastle Infrastructure: Manufactured Green Infrastructure Products – Brent Helm
Filtrexx: Grow Sock Applications – Jack Eaton
North American Green: Wattle Fence & Falcon Anchors – Rob Lawson

Concrete Canvas: Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat Applications – Melanie Fuhrman

EJ Prescott: Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers – Mike Everhart

Continuing Education Credits:

Approved by Envirocert International for 6 hours of professional development hours. These hours are applicable to professional certification renewals such as the Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC) certification.

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2021 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

2021 E&SC Field Days

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2021 Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days

The Southern New England Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society hosted our 2021 Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days as a hybrid event on Wednesday October 6th & Thursday October 7th.

Event Flyer

Event Program

This event combined virtual presentations and hands-on, outdoors demonstrations. These days are training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, resource protection and consulting. For registered attendees who attended both sessions, 6.5 hours of continuing education credits were available. There was an option to attend 100% virtually (see the event schedule below for details).

These field days are a unique collaborative effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to all who are entrusted with protecting our precious soil and water resources. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend – you are encouraged to bring your site plans and questions!

These Field Days are hosted in partnership with EJ Prescott. Thank you to Team E.J. Prescott and especially Doug McCluskey for organizing the field demonstrations and taking the lead on making these events possible!

Event Schedule:

Wednesday October 6th: Virtual presentations (10am-1pm) Virtual speaker presentations on case studies and research involving erosion and sediment control via Zoom. There was time for Q&A and discussion following each presentation. The session was recorded is available for viewing following the event. Attendees not present at the live talks will be able to receive credit by passing a quiz after viewing the recording by 11/20/21 (links sent directly to attendee emails).

Thursday October 7th: In-person demonstrations (virtual option available) (10am-2pm) In-person demonstrations of the latest tools available regarding erosion and sediment control. This portion of the event was hosted outdoors at the Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon, CT. Masks were required and a boxed lunch provided. For those attendees who chose not to attend in person, demonstration recordings are available following the event. Professional development credits will be given to those who pass a quiz after viewing the recordings (links sent directly to attendee emails).

Address for Thursday, October 7th in-person outdoor demonstrations:
Tolland Agricultural Center
24 Hyde Ave, Vernon, CT 06066


Doug McCluskey: Low impact development and green infrastructure

Doug McCluskey is currently employed by Everett J Prescott as the Western Erosion Control & Geoproduct Specialist. Doug has over 12 years’ experience in the promotion & education of various product lines related to Geosynthetics, Erosion Control, Sediment Control, & Ground Stabilization. In this role Doug is in contact with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies and he also works closely with engineers, landscape architects, municipalities, and contractors in both the public and private sector to promote the awareness of erosion control, sediment control, and geo-products applications and practices. Doug has been involved in developing specifications for products used on construction projects, and provides on-site supervision and instruction during installations

Andrew Yablonski: Profile’s 5 Fundamentals – The foundation to sustainable vegetation

Andrew Yablonski joined Profile Products in 2019 along with 25 years of experience in the green industry including work in distribution, landscape contracting and lawn care. He received his bachelor’s degree in agronomy and environmental science from Delaware Valley University.

Masoud Hashemi: The impact of agricultural practices on soil erosion and discussion on how cover cropping and plant residue management can minimize erosion.

Dr. Masoud Hashemi is an extension professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He has decades of experience on soil health and sustainable farming practices in New England. His main research projects are currently focused in various aspects of cover cropping, no-till systems, and pasture management.

Demonstrators & Products:

Continuing Education Credits:

Approved by Envirocert International for 6.5 hours of professional development hours. These hours are applicable to professional certification renewals such as the Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC) certification.

Our 2021 Sponsors:

  • EJP-Logo-jpeg-small-e1504370256194

  • ri-dem-logo-e1504370210254

  • logo-riscc

  • NE-IECA-Logo-1

  • RINLA-logo-e1504370026792

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2019 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

2019 E&SC Field Days

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4 Oct – Presentation and Field Station updates posted!   

TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONALS working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, resource protection and consulting!

Wednesday OCTOBER 9th | Oakdale, CT 


Thursday OCTOBER 10th |  Vernon, CT

flyer (both days)

Scroll down to see other Fall 2019 field day dates in MA and RI

Sediment  is  the  world’s  #1  pollutant.     

Soil moved by erosion can be harmful to our drinking water resources, fish and wildlife, and can impact our quality of life.     Erosion Control has changed dramatically over the years and new technologies are constantly in development.     Use this workshop to help you stay current on useful practices.

These field days are a unique collaborative effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to all who are entrusted with protecting our precious soil and water resources.

The full-day training session will combine classroom presentations and outdoor, hands on demonstrations in small group settings.  Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend.  Scroll down for program information.

Register today!!

  • $45 SWCS Members
  • $55 Non-Members  
  • Free* for Students!

Pre-registration online by credit card only is required.

Morning coffee & pastries and a box lunch are included.  

*Students must be currently enrolled full-time; pre-registration is required

SWCS now has CONSERVATION COMMUNITY office memberships!!

For information about the Conservation Community membership available to Soil and Water Conservation Districts, university extension offices, local governments, and not-for-profits that serve a geographic area smaller than a stateClick HERE

For information about the Conservation Community membership available to qualifying not-for-profit organizations that serve a state or larger geographic regionClick HERE

   Fun in the Sun!   ***   Earn Credits!   ***   Make Connections!   

Fall Field Day Workshop:  Erosion & Sediment Control (E&SC)

“A little bit of dirt never hurt anybody,” but a little bit from one jobsite multiplied by the hundreds of jobsites in a watershed can add up quickly.    Soil erosion has the potential to affect how much treatment wastewater must receive.    We all need to know our options for both controlling sediment and for designing and installing more effective long-term erosion control solutions.

Bring Your Site Plans and Specific Questions

This full day training will combine classroom presentations and hands-on field demonstrations; small groups rotate through the demo stations and receive detailed information from the manufacturers and vendors of E&SC products.

Similar one-day workshops are being offered on different dates across the region, hosted by local conservation districts and other non-profit organizations like SWCS Southern New England Chapter.  Field day programs and demonstrations are organized by EJ Prescott, a distributor of E&SC products, in conjunction with the host organizations and others.  Scroll down for information about other dates and locations.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 | 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

Montville Community Center 
836 Old Colchester Rd | OAKDALE, CT 06370


Thursday, October 10, 2019 | 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Tolland County Agricultural Center
24 Hyde Ave (Rte 30) | VERNON, CT 06066

These full day training sessions will combine classroom presentations and hands-on field demonstrations; small groups rotate through the demo stations and receive detailed information from the manufacturers and vendors of E&SC products.  Use this workshop to help you stay current on evolving E&SC practices.

Pre-Registration Required, by credit card only.

  • $45 SWCS Members
  • $55 Non-Members
  • Free* for Students!

Coffee & pastries and Lunch included
*Students must be currently enrolled full-time; pre-registration is required

  • This is a RAIN or SHINE event.
  • No refunds.
  • Registration may be transferred.


(typical/will vary by event – – check back for details)8:00-8:30 a.m.     Registration and Vendor Exhibits

8:30-10:00 a.m.     Classroom Overview

10:00-10:30 a.m.     Break and Vendor Exhibits

10:30-12 noon      Classroom Presentations, Continued

12:00-1:00 p.m.     Lunch (provided)

1:00-4:00 p.m.      Field Stations and Wrap-Up


Soils, Soil Survey and Soil Erosion – Donald Parizek USDA-NRCS Soil Scientist

CT Irrigation Trends – Arthur Ramthun, USDA-NRCS State Conservation Engineer

• Non-Point Source Erosion Estimates, Management and Alternative Seeding – Jim Hyde, USDA-NRCS State Agronomist

Understanding Soils & Tools for Vegetation Establishment – Mike Everhart, E.J. Prescott

Winter Stabilization Strategies – Jack Eaton, Certified Erosion Control/Filtrexx



Stormwater Pre-treatment, Biofiltration, Separation & Filtration – Shane Murphy, BioClean

Stormwater Storage – Shawn Lipscomb, ABT Inc

Gabions & Reno Mattresses – Richie Prejs, Maccaferri

Culvert Slip Lining – Reggie Cooley, PPF

Flexi-Pave Porous Paving – Henri Hillman, Tri State FlexiPave

Geosynthetics – Stevie Jones, Propex

Geosystems – Cory Schneider, Presto Products


•  SWCS Southern New England Chapter
•  USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
•  North Central Conservation District
•  Everett J. Prescott, Inc.
•  Bio Clean            •  N.E. Systems
•  ABT Inc.              •  Inner-Flow Pipe
•  Propex                 •  Tri-State Flexi Pave


  • EnviroCert International:
    6 professional development hours
  • CT DEEP Pesticide Management Program – category 3A:
    1 credit hour
  • Engineering & Landscape Architect:
    3 professional development hours
  • Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association:
    1 RICH credit

Contact your professional association for more information regarding additional CEU’s.

KUDOS and THANKS to Team E.J. Prescott for organizing the field demonstrations, securing pre-approved credits and taking the lead on making these events possible!

Oakdale 9 Oct flyer  |  flyer (both days)   |  Vernon 10 Oct flyer

Questions about REGISTRATION?

Questions about the PROGRAM?

FALL 2019 Field Days – Other DATES and LOCATIONS

  • Tuesday, September 10 – Grafton County Complex | North Haverhill, NH

Contact Grafton CCD (603) 353-4652 x.103 or

  • Wednesday, September 11 – Gilford Community Church | Gilford, NH

Contact Belknap CCD (603) 527-5880 or

  • Tuesday, October 1 – The Paul Center | Chelmsford MA

Contact Middlesex Conservation District at 978-692-9395

  • Wednesday, October 2 – Brigham Hill Community Farm | North Grafton, MA

Contact Worcester County Conservation District at 508-829-4477, ext. 5

  • Thursday, October 3 – URI East Farm, Kingston RI

Conctact RI Nursery & Landscape Association (401) 874-5220 or

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2018 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

2018 E&SC Field Day Workshops

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This one (1) day workshop is being offered in two different locations this year!

TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONALS WORKING IN soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, and consulting!

Sediment is the world’s #I pollutant. Soil moved by erosion can be harmful to our drinking water resources, our fish and wildlife, and can impact our quality of life. We all need to know our options for both controlling sediment and for designing and installing more effective long term erosion control solutions. This field day is a unique combined effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to all who are entrusted with protecting our precious soil and water resources. The day will start with classroom sessions and then move outdoors for small group sessions in a hands-on demonstration setting. Our goal is to provide information that is immediately useful to all who attend.

$40 Members & Government Staff (Public Sector)

$50 Non-Members & Private Sector

Free Coffee & Pastries for the morning sessions and LUNCH all included!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Tolland County Agricultural Center (TAC) Vernon Rockville, Connecticut

Free to UConn Students!


EnviroCert International: Professional Development Hours (PDH): 6.0 hours

Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association: 1 RICH credit


Thursday, October 18, 2018

University of Rhode Island (URI) East Farm, Kingston, Rhode Island

(Above is a 2017 Image/Map of the URI E&SC Workshop)

Free to URI Students


EnviroCert International: Professional Development Hours (PDH): 6.0 hours

Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association: 1 RICH credit

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management: 4 CEU’s for Class I, II, III, & IV OWTS Licenses


Rhode Island Agenda Field Presentations

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Vendor Exhibits (Coffee & Pastries)

8:30 – 10:00 Classroom Presentations

Polymer Enhanced Best Management Practices for the Construction v2d (1)

EPA Stormwater BMP Polymer Flocculation 

10:00 – 10:30 Break & Vendor Exhibits

10:30 – 11:00 Classroom Presentations Continued

Rhode Island Professional Field app download

11:00 – 12:00 Field Station Rotation

12:00 – 1:00 Boxed Lunch (provided)

1:00 – 3:30 Field Stations Continued

3:30 – 4:00 Wrap-up

Gabions and Reno Mattresses • Hydraulic Applied Solutions • Jobsite Sediment Control • Porous Pavement Systems • Vegetated Solutions • Ground Stabilization
State of the Industry • Emerging Technology • Jobsite Compliance
Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association • Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management • Rhode Island State Conservation Committee • Soil & Water Conservation Society Southern New England Chapter • International Erosion Control Association Northeast Chapter • Everett J. Prescott, Inc. • Tensar • Filtrexx N.E. Systems • Maccaferri • Profile Products • Applied Polymer System

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2017 Erosion and Sediment Control Field Days

2017 E&SC Field Days

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Fun in the Sun!  Credits earned!  Connections made!

Erosion & Sediment Control Field Days

19 20 October 2017

URI East Farm, Building 75 | Kingston RI 02881

—->  Check back in the spring for info about Field Days 2018

A full day of training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning and consulting.  

A terrific learning opportunity as well; students attended for free, courtesy of the RI Nursery & Landscape Association. 

Presented in conjunction with Team E.J. Prescott and partners RI Department of Environmental Management, RI Nursery & Landscape Association, Rhode Island State Conservation Committee and IECA Northeast Chapter.

These Field Days are a collaborative effort between the private and public sectors to share information and promote a better understanding of the latest tools available to protect soil and water resources.  An array of options, both for controlling sediment and for designing & installing more effective long-term erosion control solutions, were on full display at the eight field stations spread out at URI’s East Farm.  Our goal was to provide information that was immediately useful to all who attended.

The Southern New England Chapter’s expenses in delivering the
E&SC Field Days were covered by SWAMP THINGS sponsorship from


Soil Erosion and Sediment Control – Why do we care?
                        Allison Hamel | Principal Environmental Scientist
                        RI DOT Office of Stormwater Management

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control – Tools & Resources for RI
                        A review of RI DEM’s Policies and Resources
                         Brian Lafaille, PE |Principal Sanitary Engineer
                         RI DEM Office of Water Resources

Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control HANDBOOK (rev 2016)

Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control FIELD GUIDE (2016)

Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual (Dec 2010)

Phone Download Instructions  for the three above-listed RI DEM documents

Soil Erosion Control Tools and Resources for RI     

EJP Stormwater Field Guide    


(approx 30 min at each outdoor demonstration site)

  • Turf Reinforcement Mats | North American Green
  • Porous Pavement Systems | Presto Products (EJP)
  • Stream Crossings | Advanced Drainage Systems
  • Jobsite Sediment Control | Filtrexx
  • Soil Amendments | Bowman Supply
  • Innovations in Bentonite Clay | AquaBlok
  • Vegetated Solutions | Presto Products
  • Flocculants | Applied Polymer Solutions
  • Erosion Control and Soil Amendments | Profile Products


  • RI DEM:  4 CEU’s for Class I, II, III, & IV OWTS Licenses
  • Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association:  1 RICH credit
  • EnviroCert International:  6.0 Professional Development Hours

A signed Certificate of Attendance with the agenda on the back was provided to attendees at the end of the day.  Sign-in and sign-out required for OWTS credits.


 Agenda   (PDF) 

8:00 a.m.     Check In  | Vendor Exhibits & Networking

8:30 a.m.     Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:45 a.m.     Soil Erosion and Sediment Control – Why do we care?
                        Allison Hamel | Principal Environmental Scientist
                        RI DOT Office of Stormwater Management

9:30 a.m.     Soil Erosion and Sediment Control – Tools & Resources for RI 
                        A review of RI DEM’s Policies and Resources
                         Brian Lafaille, PE |Principal Sanitary Engineer
                         RI DEM Office of Water Resources

10:00 a.m.   Break & Vendor Exhibits

10:30 a.m.    Classroom Recap / Q & A / RI DEM Field Guide smartphone download

11:00 a.m.     Rotation through Field Stations
                          (approximately 30 minutes at each outdoor demonstration site)

12 noon         Lunch & Vendor Exhibits

1:00 p.m.      Field Stations continued

3:30 p.m.      Closing remarks & Wrap-up

Questions about the program?  Contact Jason Normandin at 

(401) 333-1317 or

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