2019 – Living Shoreline & Restoration Workshop & Field Tour
2019 Summer Meeting –
Living Shoreline & Restoration Workshop & Field Tour
See Audubon Connecticut’s Living Shoreline Project!
SWCS SNEC Summer Meeting
Living Shoreline & Restoration Workshop & Field Tour
Friday, August 9, 2019
AUDUBON CT at Stratford Point
Address: 1207 Prospect Drive | Stratford, CT 06615
Stratford Point, Stratford, CT
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Free Lunch Included
SWCS SNEC Membership Meeting
2019 Schedule Summer Meeting
SWCS Members & Government Staff $35
Non-SWCS Members $50
The Soil & Water Conservation Society’s (SWCS) Southern New England Chapter (SNEC) is hosting an annual Summer Meeting for SWCS members and the public at the Stratford Point in Stratford, CT on Friday, August 9 in Connecticut. Presentations will be followed by lunch, a SWCS membership meeting, and a Guided Field Tour to several sites including the Living Shore Line Project!
Current Speakers:
Dr. Jennifer Mattei, Professor of Biology at Sacred Heart University, CT will present “Stratford Point Living Shoreline: Restoring Multiple Coastal Habitats to Maintain Resiliency and Function”.
Ron Rozsa, Coastal Ecologist, will cover the “Habitat Management Plan for Long Beach in Stratford, CT”.
Susmitha Attota, AICP, Stratford Town Planner, and Daniel C. Stapleton, P.E., Senior Vice-President/Senior Principal of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) will co-present “Coastal Resiliency Planning in Stratford”.
Richard Potvin, Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge Manager, will discuss the proposed GMMU Salt Marsh Restoration project.
Guided Field Tours to 2 sites after lunch:
Living Shoreline and Restoration tour of Stratford Point, guided by Genevieve Nuttall, Audubon’s Bird Conservation Program Associate and Will Perret, Stratford Point’s Land Steward. Click here for information about the restoration work onsite.
Proposed Salt Marsh Restoration at the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge Great Meadows Marsh Unit (GMMU), guided by Rick Potvin, Stewart B. McKinney NWR Manager.
Conservation NewsBriefs
- How reduced snow cover affects crops and lawns
- Innovative cover crops improve soil health in northern climates
- How soil moisture regulates carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions
- US soil conservation lessons for healthier farms and ecosystems
- Overlooked tree crops hold key to sustainable farming